Orange County GOP elects officers


CAMPBELL HALL – The Orange County Republican Committee recently held their biennial reorganization meeting and elected the following people for the 2021 to 2023 term:


Courtney Canfield Greene – Chairwoman
Benjamin Ostrer – 1st Vice Chairman
James Burpoe – 2nd Vice Chairman
Florence Santini – Secretary
Joseph Coleman – Treasurer


Canfield Greene has been serving as chairwoman since 2014. “It has been a tremendous honor to lead this committee and help elect good Republicans to all levels of government,” said Canfield Greene. “In the next two years, we need to expand our efforts to elect good Republican candidates that stand for limited government, common sense fiscal and social policy, lower taxation, and improvements to our quality of life.” 


The committee also appointed Chandler Campbell as assistant secretary and State Assemblyman Karl Brabenec as executive director.

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