RUPCO buys hotel for permanent supportive housing

RUPCO's Kevin O'Connor, left, outlines the planned hotel purchase while Ulster Executive Patrick Ryan listens

KINGSTON – Finding a home for those who can afford one is a difficult task.  But constantly living with housing insecurity is a different matter.

So RUPCO, with the help of Ulster County, is purchasing the Quality Inn, on a 6.2-acre site in the Town of Ulster, to be used as permanent supportive housing.

“It’s a large hotel with 142 rooms,” said Kevin O’Connor, RUPCO’s chief executive officer, when he announced the acquisition Thursday. “We’re certainly grateful to County Executive Ryan and your entire team. The opportunity here is create a best-in-class facility.”

The county is helping with federal Rescue plan funds.  And that money will also be used to create the infrastructure to accommodate more housing in the county.

“We have proposed an unprecedented five plus million dollars in housing funds in the Rescue plan proposal,” said County Executive Pat Ryan. “To be able to speak, take action and address our values as a county and a community that we are going to put our most vulnerable members of our community first and build this supportive housing with these Rescue plan funds, “ he said. “I just think those actions speak louder than words in terms of who we are as a community, and I am really, really proud of that.”

Once the lodging facility is converted to permanent supportive housing, there will be onsite services such as daycare, medical and behavioral care, job training and bus transportation.

“We will have a bus to provide transportation to the site in addition to the public transportation which will be available,” said O’Connor.