Jacobson calls for registered sex offenders to be moved away from nursery school

Photo via Building Blocks Childcare.

ORANGE LAKE – State Assemblyman Jonathan Jacobson is calling on the state to move four registered sex offenders who have been placed at the Orange Lake Motel. The facility is located within 300 feet of Building Blocks Childcare Center in the Orange Lake area of the Town of Newburgh.

“While it is technically legal to house these offenders in such close proximity to nursery schools, to do so goes against common sense,” he said. “Three of the men are level two offenders whose victims were all underage. The fourth is designated a level three offender because of the higher possibility that he will commit another offense.”

Jacobson made his request to Michael Green, deputy executive director of the State Division of Criminal Justice Services.

The lawmaker is a co-sponsor of a bill by Assemblyman Edward Braunstein and Senator James Skoufis, which would restrict sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of a school or playground. The bill also amends the law to protect nursery schools.

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