New meters expected to increase parking revenues

New parking meters are being installed.

POUGHKEEPSIE – City parking enforcement agents have been working throughout the city removing existing parking meters to make way for new meters that are being installed.

There are currently 60 meters throughout the city.  Under the new system, the meters east of Clinton Street and West of Clover Street along Main Street are being permanently removed.  New meters will be placed on Academy Street between Main and Cannon Streets as well as a new meter on Catharine Street between Main and Mill Streets.

Parking Supervisor Daniel Vonknoblauch, says the new meters “Increase the functionality over the old meters by allowing payments over the phone, via a smartphone app or at the meter itself.”

City employee Darren Young using a torch to remove the old parking meters.

The new meters cost $483,000 and the payments are spread out over five years.  “We are looking at an additional $250,000 per year in revenue with support of the new meters,” said Vonknoblauch.

The price to park is not increasing with the new meters.  The cost will remain at 25 cents per 15 minutes at the street meters, with a two-hour maximum.  Municipal lot rates are $1.50 per hour with no time limit.

Parking department employees have been removing the internal controls of the current meters and then a second crew has been traveling around with a cutting torch to remove the old pedestals.  The vendor that is providing the new meters will also be installing them.

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