Metzger delivers funding for firehouse upgrades

Orange County Deputy Fire Coordinator Halsey Decker, Orange County Deputy Fire Commissioner Vini Tankasali, Senator Jen Metzger, Johnson Fire Department President Albert Daula, and Johnson Fire Chief Remo Mazzie, Jr.

JOHNSON – Senator Jen Metzger (SD-42) held a press conference Thursday at the Johnson Fire Department to announce a State and Municipal Facilities Capital (SAM) grant for $50,000 in funding that the Senator secured for Rutgers Engine Company #1.

The funding will enable upgrades to the fire department’s electric service, water filtration system, and pole barn pavilion roof. In attendance were Johnson Fire Chief Remo Mazzie, Jr., Orange County Deputy Fire Commissioner Vini Tankasali, Johnson Fire Department President Albert Daula, Orange County Deputy Fire Coordinator Halsey Decker, and members of the Johnson FD.

“I was pleased to announce a $50,000 grant for needed upgrades to the firehouse’s electrical and water filtration systems and other improvements to the firehouse,” said Senator Metzger. “We depend on our volunteer fire departments to help us in life-threatening situations, and we are thankful that they are always there when duty calls.”

Johnson Fire Department President Albert Daula said, “On behalf of the Johnson FD, I would like to sincerely thank Senator Metzger for securing this important grant. The Senator and her staff made the grant process smooth, and we look forward to making these upgrades to the electrical and water filtration systems, as well as to our pavilion roof.”

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