Cuomo renews call for National Defense Production Act


For the second day in a row, Gov. Cuomo called on the federal government to enact the national Defense Production Act so that medical supplies could be purchased on the federal level in the fight against COVID-19.

He said the state will be conducting expedited drug testing that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. There are hopes that two particular drugs could help slow the virus.

Days ago, the governor enacted “New York Pause,” where he essentially ordered all businesses closed and for people to stay home, with the exception of essential goods and services like supermarkets and gas stations.

Now he is creating “New York Forward.” “You turned off the engine quickly. How to do now begin to plan to restart that economic engine,” he said.

The epicenter of the virus in New York is in New York City and he wanted a plan from the Big Apple by the close of business Monday on how to ensure more compliance with the stay-at-home regulation.

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