New Windsor Food Pantry awarded grant

Assemblyman Colin Schmitt, left, with Food Pantry Coordinator Matt Veronesi

NEW WINDSOR – The Town of New Windsor Food Pantry has received a $5,000 grant secured by State Assemblyman Colin Schmitt (R, New Windsor) through a partnership with Walmart.

The food pantry is solely funded by donations and grants and provides over 80 local families with assistance throughout the year. During the holiday season demand increases and the pantry has faced funding shortfalls.

Town Recreation Director and Food Pantry Coordinator Matt Veronesi reached out to Schmitt because of the forecasted shortfalls seeking assistance and additional funding and the lawmaker was able to secure a $5,000 direct grant from Walmart for the pantry.

The pantry may be reached directly at 845-565-7750 for anyone who might be interested in providing additional assistance to the pantry in their time of increased need.

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