Veterans Day marked in Kingston


KINGSTON – The city honored service members Monday on Veteran’s Day with a commemoration in city hall, which was followed by a wreath-laying on the front lawn along Broadway in Kingston.

Bill Forte, of the Kingston Veterans Association, offered a somber reminder of their dedication and service.

“These men and women served, in accordance with an oath they took, to uphold the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, an oath not unlike taken by the men and women in public office across this country,” said Forte. 

Forte urged citizens and lawmakers to step away from our current state of political polarization and support the sacrifice by many to uphold the Constitution.

  • “But when those selected to uphold and abide by the provisions of the Constitution are ignoring it, it’s a spit in the face of all that served, or have been wounded or died for our country,” said Forte. “On this Veteran’s Day, I ask that you put your political differences aside and bury them for at least this one day. This not about politics, but what is right and wrong. Take some time and decide whether you want to honor service members that have fought and died for our country, or whether you want to sit by and watch it all go to hell.”


“We have to make sure as a community that we remember our veterans. We have an amazing community, I believe, that remembers each and every day,” said Mayor Steve Noble, as he addressed a gathered crowd in the city council chamber. “On behalf of the City of Kingston, we would like to thank all of the veterans and all that you do for us each and every day.”

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