Schumer backs drive to have FDA clarify CBD regulations

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WASHINGTON – Hemp farming in the Warwick area and other parts of the Hudson Valley and state is fast becoming the new crop of choice and US Senator Charles Schumer has joined the effort to have the FDA quickly set guidance on labeling, producing, marketing and selling products containing cannabidiol (CBD), a non-addictive component of hemp.

The senator said CBD production is an emerging industry and regulations will allow producers to fully take advantage of the market and protect consumers at the same time.

“Lack of regulatory clarity is creating a real fog for farmers, producers and manufacturers. CBD is not explicitly illegal but there are no guidelines as to where you can use it and where you can’t. It doesn’t give you a high like marijuana; we are not worried about that, but people want guidelines.”

Schumer has joined a bi-partisan effort calling on the Food and Drug Administration to come up with those guidelines as quickly as possible.

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