Orphaned baby skunks rescued by Kingston police


KINGSTON – First it was a bear, then a snake, the next morning it was “kits” in the roadway.

On Tuesday, June 25 around 6 a.m., Kingston City Police Officer Pontecorvo was dispatched for “kittens” in the roadway on Lucas Avenue.

When she got there she found four “kittens” – they were black with a distinctive white stripe down their back – “kits,” also known as baby skunks.

Their mother had been hit by a car and they were now orphans.

The baby skunks just wandered around Lucas Avenue until Officer Pontecorvo, with the help of Officers Palmer and Weaver, was able to corral the little ones.

It was no easy task – Officer Pontecorvo could be heard on her body cam stating that trying to corral these little kits was “like herding cats.”

Once corralled, all four kits were turned over to a local wildlife rehabilitator.     And luck for the officers, no one was sprayed in this incident.


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