Cahill family endorses Gabi Madden for State Assembly

Gabi Madden

The Cahill family is proud to endorse Gabi Madden as the next Assemblymember to represent our communities here in Ulster and Dutchess counties.

While our brother/uncle/Dad, Kevin Cahill, is ethically bound to avoid public political activities as a result of his current tenure in an important state office, we have each gotten to know Gabi Madden and the good work she has already done on behalf of the people of the Hudson Valley.  She was instrumental in helping community organizations, keeping the Assembly and Senate offices in touch with our local schools and colleges and, most of all, she was there when our neighbors were in need, always ready to go above and beyond to help.

In our conversations and at family gatherings, Kevin always expressed that it was a great honor to represent our area in the Assembly and other offices he held for 35 years.  He made sure that family, friends and staff understood that the privilege was not the office itself, but the opportunity to serve.  Gabi Madden embodies that spirit in every possible way.  She learned those most important lessons in her experience in the Assembly and the State Senate.

When it comes to our community, Gabi is relentless.  Where others would kick the can or accept government bureaucracy for what it is, Gabi looked in the eyes of her constituents and promised she would find a way.  She never broke that promise, despite the hoops she had to jump through, the overtime hours spent – Gabi was known for being the people’s advocate, a real shoulder to lean on, both figuratively and literally.  When praised for her effective problem solving, she would always shake it off, and insist “This is the way that government is supposed to work.”

Gabi Madden’s contributions to the public good did not just begin with her work in state offices or with a campaign.  As a young child, through her teen years and when she completed college, Gabi and the Madden and Savona families have been pillars of our community, always ready to help out, always ready to give back.

Whether it was organizing events for children, like a free ride on the Polar Express or the annual Summer Reading and Exercise Challenge that Kevin’s office ran for 26 years, assisting Seniors with housing issues, helping secure Medicaid transportation for a young woman fighting a degenerative disease, applying for grants to assist a constituent replace their boiler or untangling red tape of insurance denials, Gabi has the experience, the know-how and, most of all, the heart to help everyone.

That is just one of the reasons we are proud to endorse Gabi Madden as she fights to restore the excelsior standard of public service that has defined our Assembly office for almost 50 years. We urge you to vote, and if possible, vote early and, of course, tell your friends.


Jim and Karen Benecase Cahill, Ann Perry Cahill (Christopher), Donna Cahill Castle and Jim Castle, Elisabeth Cahill and Donnie Timbrouck, Brian and Debra Hoffman Cahill, Terry and Tammy Bream Cahill, Pat and Jill Plough Cahill, Mike Cahill, Katie Cahill, Meagan Mary Cahill, Mollie Cahill, Brianne Cahill

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