Police on the lookout for unsafe driving (VIDEO)

Road wrokers on Rt 17 in Sullivan County

NEW YORK – Governor Kathy Hochul announced an initiative to target speeding and aggressive driving in an effort to improve roadway safety.  Throughout the state, additional patrols will take to the highways to issue violations to motorists who break the law.

A focus will be placed on enforcing the state’s “Move Over” Law, which requires motorists to move over when there is an emergency vehicle or tow truck stopped on the side of the road.

In a statement, Hochul said, “Speeding and reckless driving puts everyone on the road at risk and continues to be a leading cause of fatal crashes each year in New York State.  Please do your part to make safety the top priority, obey speed limits, put down your phone while driving, and move over when you see emergency and highway workers on the side of the road.”

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