Wurtsboro Memorial Day Parade and wreath laying ceremony (VIDEO)

Wurtsboro Memorial Day parade on Sullivan Street

​WURTSBORO – The Village of Wurtsboro in Sullivan County held its annual Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony on Monday and local veteran John ​Del​du​co, who was in attendance, spoke about the meaning of Memorial Day.

“It’s a somber day, a day of remembrance, and a day of celebration for the freedom that they died for​,” he said, referring to the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.

Vietnam veteran John Kenney remembered servicemembers who he personally knew who were lost in battle.  “It’s an honor to remember the guys ​I was with who lost​ their lives​ for this country, I​ think about them every day in my life,” he remarked.

Navy veteran Pamela Del​duco said that she thinks not only about those who were lost, but those that are serving today.  I think about the people who have died for us​ and the young men who are serving now who might die​.”

Wurtsboro’s Memorial Day parade ended in Memorial Park with a wreath laying ceremony.

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