PSC approves $98 million for development of NYSEG transmission projects


ALBANY — The New York State Public Service Commission, Thursday, approved the first round of funding of $98 million requested by New York State Electric & Gas Corporation to continue to develop 27 local transmission projects valued at $1.27 billion that will support Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) goals.

The remainder of the funding will be decided in future rate cases. The projects are expected to be in service by 2030 or earlier.

In addition to providing the reliability of the critical transmission system and other traditional infrastructure benefits to the company’s customers, the approved projects will address transmission bottlenecks that limit delivery of upstate renewable energy to the bulk system and provide storm resiliency benefits. Importantly, the new transmission projects will help spur economic growth and opportunities in upstate New York communities and increase local employment opportunities as well.

NYSEG originally proposed a group of 23 local transmission projects. After breaking down NYSEG’s proposals into 46 components, the commission found that 27 of the re-categorized projects would improve system headroom for new renewable generation and authorized NYSEG to continue development of those projects. Meanwhile, the commission found that the remaining 19 projects are not necessary to support CLCPA goals at this time.

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