PORT JERVIS – The City of Port Jervis has had no urgent care medical facilities until now.
Dr. Brandon O’Connor has opened the first such facility – O’Connor Medical Urgent Care – at 9 Orchard Street.
His wife, Sarah Little, is also a medical doctor, practicing as a pediatrician for 10 years next door in Little Pediatrics.
She is a native of Sparrowbush, and while the family lives in Milford, Pennsylvania, Dr. O’Connor felt Port Jervis was in need of an urgent care facility so residents would not have to travel a half hour away treatment of colds, flu, scrapes, bruises and other minor health issues.
Dr. O’Connor has been practicing for 12 years, predominantly as the medical director of three urgent care centers.
Port Jervis Mayor Kelly Decker said the new center is “a valuable resource for this community and surrounding area.”
The center is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Mondays through Fridays.