Letter to the Editor: Colin Schmitt is desperate


Dear Editor:

Colin Schmitt must be desperate to stoop so low to issue a campaign mailer like the one recently sent to voters.  Does election season really have to be so ugly?

Schmitt’s mailer is right out of the Republican Party campaign playbook.  Misinform.  Spread falsehoods about your opponent.  Accuse your opponent of wrongdoing to make voters afraid, angry, and hateful; the base instincts of Lincoln’s “lesser angels.”.  Blame your opponent for the troubles of the world as if it is their fault.  And, if you are successful in riling up the gullible, the misinformed, and the uninformed, chances are you might be elected to public office.

Let me be clear.  Schmitt is not the “voice” for my family.  He says he delivered $2.2 billion in property tax relief for us but neither I nor my neighbors got any of that money!  Property owners in my school district got a nearly 4% property tax increase this year.  His unsupported claim that cashless bail released dangerous criminals from jail is merely his effort to engender fear and infuriate voters.  Evidently, Schmitt doesn’t believe in fairness and equality.

Schmitt’s record shows he voted “No” on every legislative proposal to safeguard our families and children from gun violence, pesticide use at summer camp, our right to vote, women’s health care and right to choose, safe labor practices, and environmental protections against industrial polluters, contaminants, and climate change.

Schmitt’s mailer is unethical and hardly Christian behavior from a good catholic.  Shame on Schmitt and his campaign.


Randy Hurst
Slate Hill, NY

The opinions expressed in this letter are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Mid-Hudson News.

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