What Are the Most Common Grammar Mistakes?

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For those who are looking to become a better writer, it is important to use proper grammar as much as possible. The reality is that everyone has to make sure they make a positive impression on their audience. One of the quickest ways to ruin this as a writer is to make a bunch of grammatical mistakes. Therefore, even for those who are using a random word generator, it is critical to use proper grammar as much as possible. When it comes to some of the most common grammar mistakes, there are a few examples to keep in mind.

Using Too Many Adverbs

One of the most common mistakes that people make when they are writing is using too many adverbs. Adverbs are words that modify words and they commonly end in -ly. Even though adverbs are okay once in a while, excessive use of adverbs can indicate very weak word choices. For example, when someone says that a boy or girl, “sprinted really fast,” this is an example of adverbs that are overused. Saying that someone is running fast is enough. Adding an adverb behind that doesn’t really add any value for the reader. Removing the excess of adverb is going to send the same message.

Misusing Common Words

Another common mistake that people often make as a writer involves misusing common words. For example, two of the most common words that are confused are the words lie and lay. One of the easiest ways to remember this is to think about the use of the word itself. If someone is going to place or put an object somewhere, then the correct term to use is lay. Those who intend to stretch out somewhere and go to sleep should use the term lie. This is because lie is an intransitive verb that does not need a specific object. Using the word lay requires an object.

Using Ambiguous Pronouns

Finally, another common mistake that people make is misusing pronouns by making them ambiguous. When writing a sentence, it is always important to make sure that it is very obvious which were the pronoun is referring to. Therefore, look at the phrase preceding the pronoun. Make sure that it is clear which person is indicated by the pronoun. If someone is reading a phrase and cannot tell who the pronoun is referring to, the reader is going to get confused.

Avoid These Common Grammatical Issues

These are just a few of the most common mistakes that people tend to make when they are writing. Everyone has to make sure that they use proper grammar as much as possible. Those who do not use proper grammar are not going to grab the attention of the audience and their reputation as a writer might suffer. For those who are still in school, improper grammar can also lead to poor grades. Take note of a few of the most common mistakes above and try to avoid them when they write.

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