5 Helpful Tips for New Drivers


COMMUNICATED CONTENT – If you’re a new driver on the road, congratulations! Being a new driver is an exciting time for a person as it opens up a whole new world of freedom and independence. With that freedom and independence comes with a great deal of responsibility, so make sure you’re obeying traffic laws and practicing safe driving to protect you, your passengers, and others on the road. 

For those hitting the road on their own for the first time, here are 5 helpful tips you need to know. 

Avoid Distractions

Each year, the number of deaths caused by distracted driving continues to stay constant or rise. From texting to changing music to eating or drinking, there are plenty of ways to get distracted that you may not realize – the most common culprit of all being texting. If you take one thing away from this article, it’s to think twice before picking up your phone and driving because it could lead to fines close to $300, increase in your insurance premiums, and worse of all, fatalities

Research Car Insurance Options 

Car insurance is notoriously high for new drivers due to the high risk associated with them. However, it’s not impossible to find affordable options as many insurance companies offer discounted rates, especially for students. It’s important to do your due diligence in finding the best policy for you before signing on to something blindly. That means understanding how car insurance works, coverage options, deductibles, and what will happen in unforeseen circumstances.  

Obey Traffic Laws 

What might sound like common sense, isn’t always so common for many drivers, and that’s that traffic laws are requirements, not suggestions. As a new and seasoned driver, it’s so important to obey traffic laws, no matter the circumstance. Aside from avoiding distractions, this is one of the most important takeaways to keep yourself safe on the road. 

Keep an Eye on the Weather 

Poor weather conditions are one of the top reasons for fatal crashes. From snow, ice, to heavy storms, weather can dramatically obscure your vision or control of your vehicle leading to dangerous situations. If you need to drive during poor weather, utilize your windshield wipers, hazard lights, or slow down your speed. At all costs, try to avoid driving in poor weather, especially as a new driver. 

Routine Maintenance is More Important Than You Think

Many new drivers might not know or understand the importance of keeping up with routine maintenance of your vehicle. Things like oil changes, tire rotations, and understanding what the different warning lights mean on your dashboard will help you safe on the road. Without routine maintenance, you could end up in a less than favorable experience at the auto shop or on the side of the road. 

Remember that driving is a privilege and not a right – be responsible, sensible, and patient on the road. 

Safe Travels! 

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