Yoga classes for farmers being held next month


KINGSTONCornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County’s Agriculture Program is partnering with Lana Heintjes, a certified yoga instructor and a Handstand Empowerment Coach, to offer an online yoga workshop for farmers on August 12, 2020, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Farming requires long hours of work regardless of the weather. Farmers and farm workers frequently repeat the same tasks throughout the season such as pruning, lifting heavy objects, planting, and harvesting. These jobs are often done in awkward, unnatural positions, or in extreme weather and can wear down the body, causing injury or discomfort.

Heintjes has been teaching since 2009 with over 500 hours of training and 5,000 hours of teaching experience. She will lead a workshop teaching participants simple exercises to perform before and after work to help reduce body strain from repetitive tasks.

This webinar is free and is primarily for farmers and farmworkers, but all are welcome to attend. A yoga mat and 2 yoga blocks are recommended but not required. Space is limited to 25 people. To register and to for all details visit the event page at

This workshop is part of a series funded by a grant from Northeast Risk Management and Education.

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