New litter emerges with COVID-19

Rubber gloves and face masks, COVID-19 related waste, tossed by the wayside

MID-HUDSON – There is a new form of litter cropping up across the region and its not candy wrappers, cigarette butts or plastic grocery store bags. The litter is rubber gloves and cloth face masks that are being tossed in parking lots and along roads.

They are the new attire to go along with COVID-19, the deadly virus that is wreaking havoc with the world.

Whether you are in a supermarket parking long in the Town of Wallkill or along a road near a shopping center in Kingston, protective rubber gloves and face masks being worn in public to prevent catching the sometimes deadly bug, are dropped anywhere convenience to the person who wore them.

Orange County Executive Steven Neuhaus has issued an appeal to people to discard their new attire properly in the trash.

Aside from being an eyesore, those discarded items can clog drains and be an environmental nuisance for years to come.

Health officials say you should stay home to minimize catching or spreading the virus, but if you must run out for groceries or other necessities, wear the protective gear, but dispose of it properly.

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