Middle age people are median age of impact for COVID-19


NEWBURGH – The coronavirus poses a serious situation to the public, but it is not cause for panic, Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney said Tuesday night during a telephone town hall meeting on the illness.

He was joined by Dr. Avi Silber, the chief medical officer for Cornerstone Family Healthcare, who provided some of the basics of the virus.

“The incubation period is about two to 14 days, so that’s about five days is what we are seeing in general. It is affecting older period; the median age is about 49 to 56 years, the age of people who are getting it. We are not really seeing clinical disease in children, but they can get it and could possibly be a reservoir, so that is something we are watching carefully,” he said.

Silber and Maloney reemphasized what all healthcare officials are saying, to avoid large crowds, especially if you are in one of those groups susceptible to catching a respiratory illness, washing hands frequently, not touching your face and sneezing into your sleeve if a tissue is not available.