MIDDLETOWN – It was back in November 2018 when Sky Mendoza, then 14, was critically injured and her step-mom was killed in a car crash in the Bronx. Sky has been in an Albany rehab following hospitalization and remains severely handicapped from her injuries.
The teen wants to come back to her hometown of Middletown and on Tuesday night, the city’s common council voted to donate a vacant parcel at 52 Broad Street for construction of a home.
Mayor Joseph DeStefano said $130,000 will be needed to build the house. “We are here tonight to not only to authorize the transfer of property – it has passed the board of estimate last week, we are here tonight to kick off the opportunity for people in the greater Middletown community to help bring Sky back to Middletown,” he said.
To launch the effort, the Wallkill Engine Co. #6 of the Middletown Fire Department raised $13,485 and donated it to a trust fund established for the project.
As a relative of the girl thanked the city for its donation of the property, she Facetimed it with Sky live.