Following Greta Thunberg’s Message: 8 Lifestyle Changes Every Student Can Make


COMMUNICATED – Greta Thunberg, currently a worldwide famous Swedish environmental activist, is just a simple teenage girl. Being only 17 years old, she became one of the most discussed personas in 2019, all because she has risen awareness for climate change and started a global climate movement by simply striking outside the Swedish parliament.

It is amazing to see such a young activist to speak up for our planet and being heard by the whole world. However, while Greta Thunberg has made her move to raise people’s awareness and keeps spreading the message, now, it is the time for us to start acting too.

Top 8 Simple Lifestyle Changes For Students That Can Save The Planet

Last year, everyone across the globe heard about a brave Swedish girl and discussed the message she delivers. Already in 2019, we’ve seen many people start to follow Greta Thunberg’s lead. This year, we expect to see people become even more conscious about the environment.

Want to become a part of the movement and make a change? While changing your habitual lifestyle may seem hard, there are simple ways to get started:

1. Reduce Use Of Paper

This advice is especially applicable to students. Probably, in your studies, you use plenty of paper to take notes, complete your college tasks, make flashcards, etc. The large use of paper is harmful to our environment, but, luckily, there is an easy way to make a change.

To cut down your consumption of paper start with small steps – make it a habit to type your academic assignments like does, instead of writing them on actual paper. Also, you can use your gadgets to take notes and even create flashcards.

2. Refill Water Bottles

Each of us is supposed to drink around two liters of pure water a day. Buying your daily water norm in plastic bottles you contribute to the growth of the number of bottles that never get recycled and, thus, litter the environment.

The key goal of becoming more eco-friendly is to reduce the waste you generate in everyday life. In terms of bottled water, a good solution is to refill old plastic bottles or, even better, purchase a special reusable water bottle. This is a simple step anyone can make.

3. Have Reusable Shopping Bags

The waste of plastic in the world is huge. Similarly to a large waste of plastic bottles, we use just too many plastic and paper bags that also don’t get recycled properly.

There is an emerging trend for shoppers – reusable shopping bags that can help save the situation. Having one or several reusable bags for grocery shopping can help you reduce the use of plastic ones, which is a big step to eco-friendliness.

Illustration of human avatar with environment

4. Bike Or Walk More

Another big issue hitting our environment is the large carbon footprint we leave. A huge number of cars and public transport pollutes our planet. However, there is something each of us can do about it.

To follow Greta Thunberg’s message as a student, you can start with biking or walking more. These simple tips can help you to reduce your carbon footprint significantly, not to mention how good walking and biking are for your health!

5. Save Energy

Another simple, but yet effective lifestyle change you can do as a student is to save energy you waste throughout a day. There are a few ways to do this:

  • First of all, make sure you power down appliances when you leave a room. It is easy to turn off lights when you are out and, yet, it can really make a change. And there is an extra bonus for students – following this tip, you will get much smaller electricity bills and save your money!
  • Set air conditioner a few degrees higher and thermostats a few degrees lower. You are not likely to feel the difference of a couple of degrees, but the planet will!
  • Finally, you can also switch to energy-efficient light bulbs. While they cost a bit more than regular light bulbs, they are known to last much longer, so there is also some economy for you.

6. Pay Attention To Water Usage

Another positive lifestyle change is reducing your water usage. This can come in the form of cutting down your shower time or turning the water off while shaving or brushing your teeth. This is also something anyone can do without making a large sacrifice and, at the same time, it is much more important for the planet than you ever thought!

7. Opt Off Aerosol Sprays

All kinds of aerosol sprays are not good for our environment. Here you have another brilliant idea on how to go eco-friendly with ease – there are plenty of alternatives to sprays, just choose something different and make it a habit.

8. Recycle

This one should go without saying. Recycling is a great thing to do. It doesn’t take too much time or effort to sort out your trash, but it can make a big difference for the world.

The Bottom Line

The main message Greta Thunberg and other activists emphasize is that climate change is real and it is going to impact all of us unless we start acting. With the rapid decadence of the environmental situation on our planet, the only answer lies in the big lifestyle changes we need to make to save it.

Although it is pretty clear what exactly people need to change in their behaviors and life patterns to save the planet, needless to say, that big changes take time. However, it doesn’t mean that there is nothing each of us can do to promote improvement.

“Everything in the world starts small and then becomes bigger…” – Warren St. John. To make a real change, we all need to start with smaller steps! In this article, we have collected the top easy lifestyle changes every student can make to follow Greta Thunberg’s message. Follow them in your everyday life and you will notice how the world around you starts changing.

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