Greenfield launches 19th Congressional District campaign


NEW PALTZ – Green Party member Steven Greenfield, Monday, formally announced his run for the 19th Congressional District in New York.

This is the third congressional run for the New Paltz resident, who said he will also seek the endorsements of other political parties. He came in third of four candidates in his 2018 bid.

He ran unsuccessfully in 2002 and 2018. He also  ran unsuccessfully for Ulster County Legislature and won two elections to the local school board.

Greenfield said he will not accept any contributions from “Wall Street from the fossil fuel industry, from war profiteers, from the private prison industry, or anyone who profits from human suffering and environmental devastation – including their lawyers and lobbyists.”

Greenfield took aim at freshman Democrat Congressman Antonio Delgado saying he has voted to continue all of the country’s non-defensive wars and occupations that have consumed over $7 trillion in American funds and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. “He has voted for the biggest increases in military spending since Reagan including creation of a space force as if there is a developing threat in outer space that needs to be addressed while over 27 million Americans are still without any medical insurance and more than 38 million Americans below the federal poverty line died 20 years younger than average, and the United States with a $20 trillion GDP ranks in the mid-50s worldwide behind many third world countries in both material and infant mortality,” he said.

Greenfield said the first thing he must do now is secure enough signatures by April 2 to appear on the November ballot and from there, he will shift to fundraising.

“With no serious Republican opposition in the 2020 race,” Greenfield considers this year’s contest “to be wide open.” He said Delgado is “vulnerable for his pro-Wall Street, anti-healthcare, anti-education, pro-fossil, strictly partisan voting record.”