SANCTUARY Communication Breach


In the years before the horrific 9-11-01 attack on America many police and government agencies did not share critical intelligence information. Many federal, state and local police agencies did not actively cooperate with each other. This lack of cooperation was identified as a weakness in our national security and a contributing factor in the attack conspiracy. The polarized police agencies may have been able to protect America if they had only communicated with each other. Since 9-11-01 police agencies on all levels have made a concerted effort to share intelligence information and enhance interagency working relationships. The Ulster County Sheriff’s Office did an exemplary job of fostering interagency cooperation under Sheriff VanBlarcum. The Ulster County Executive Order to protect illegal aliens and refuse information to federal police agencies is a step BACKWARD to a dangerous place. I suggest the Ulster County Executive and Sheriff rethink this policy.

Jack Hayes
July 3

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