Poughkeepsie joins in statewide pedestrian safety campaign


POUGHKEEPSIE – The Poughkeepsie City Police Department is once again taking part in the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee’s “Operation See!  Be Seen!” campaign, designed to raise awareness about keeping pedestrians safe across the state.

In Poughkeepsie from June 14 through June 27, police will be patrolling busy pedestrian corridors and issuing warning notices, tickets, and informative tip cards to both motorists and pedestrians found violating the law.

“We take this matter seriously said Police Chief Tom Pape.

Including Poughkeepsie, more than a dozen law enforcement agencies will cover 20 “focus communities” identified in the statewide Pedestrian Safety Action Plan, where pedestrian crash volume is the highest outside of New York City.

According to Pape, “Making sure pedestrians are safe is imperative, particularly in a walkable city like Poughkeepsie.”

Mayor Rob Rolison said that “With the warmer weather, there are more people walking in the city.  It’s an encouraging sign to see, but it also means drivers have to stay alert at crosswalks and in other places attracting pedestrians.”

State officials point out that more than 25 percent of motor-vehicle-related fatalities are pedestrian.  Of those, 61 percent were driver-related while 37 percent were deemed to be caused by pedestrian actions.

The upcoming education campaign emphasizes the “See!  Be Seen!” message for both drivers and pedestrians.  The campaign will remind motorists that they must stop for pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections.  They should not block crosswalks when stopped at intersections.  Motorists should always look for pedestrians, particularly when turning at a green light or making a right turn on red.  Pedestrians will also receive reminders to cross at intersections and marked crosswalks, including the rainbow-colored ones in Poughkeepsie.  Pedestrians are also reminded to use the pedestrian push-buttons where available and wait for the signal to cross.

According to the mayor’s office, the city will use the Pedestrian Safety Action Plan money over $2 million was received last year – to improve corridors, intersections, and uncontrolled crosswalks where the highest pedestrian traffic exists and where past accidents have occurred.

Areas included in the program are along Main, Mansion, and Market streets.  Poughkeepsie plans to upgrade to high-visibility crosswalks and signage, installing countdown pedestrian timers, and in some locations introduction of curbed pedestrian refuges at crosswalks.

In celebration of June being “Pride Month” in Poughkeepsie, Council Member Sarah Salem, with assistance, had some of the Main Street crosswalks painted with rainbow colors in time for the recent successful PK Pride Parade.

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