Orange County deputy sheriff receives hero award for saving life with CPR

McCarey, left, thanked Eberhardt after the close call in April

GOSHEN – The American Heart Association presented Orange County Sheriff Deputy Andrew Eberhardt with their HeartSaver Hero Award for using his CPR skills to help County Real Property Director John McCarey, who collapsed from cardiac arrest in the county executive’s office.

“We present this award during CPR and AED Awareness week to raise awareness for the need for CPR training and to recognize outstanding efforts to aid in the rescue of life,” said MaryKate Revella, American Heart Association Executive Leadership Training member. “The American Heart Association acknowledges our hometown heroes, like Deputy Eberhardt, for their willingness to take quick action in the life-or-death situation when cardiac arrest strikes.”

She said cardiac arrest can happen to anyone at any time. “The best chance of survival is if someone nearby acts quickly to call 911 and performs CPR. That could mean the difference between life and death for some family’s loved one. We need more people trained like Deputy Eberhardt.”

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