Rockland groups concerned that hate group may infiltrate the county


Carlucci, podium, lawmakers, religious leaders, demounce what they see as hate propoganda

Image from Identity Evropa video

SPRING VALLEY – Faith-based leaders and other organizations and community leaders gathered at the Rock Apostolic Church in Spring Valley on Friday to denounce a tweet that appeared to show Identity Evropa’s flyers in the village.
Identity Evropa, based in Alexandria, Virginia, is designated by the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center as a white supremacist, neo-Nazi hate group.
“What is concerning is that these flyers aren’t just on walls, but they are online and that is where hate is going,” said ADL New York Regional Director Evan Bernstein during a news conference outside the church. “We are one year since Charlottesville, Virginia last year and they preach hate against Jews, blacks, Muslims, immigrants, and the LGBTQ+ community,” said State Senator David Carlucci, who brought the anti-hate group together. “We do not need them in Spring Valley, and we do not need them inciting violence anywhere in our state.”
 Carlucci believes their members targeted Spring Valley because it is home to large Jewish and Haitian population.
The ADL has tracked at least seven different posts from Identity Evropa, showing their flyer efforts in different New York Communities.
“Our young people are being poisoned by the hatred of the world, and they don’t recognize it because the social media is so deep into our lives,” said Rev. Raymond Caliman, president of the Rockland County Ministers. “It is my prayer, we as leaders of the community teach our congregation and our children that love conquers all, and we don’t need racism or hatred.”

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