KINGSTON – Ulster County will spend some $80,000 to purchase and install ADA-approved playground equipment at the Sojourner Truth/Ulster Landing Park in the Town of Ulster and the County Pool Complex in New Paltz.
Accessible play areas will include surfacing to accommodate wheelchairs, inclusive Alta Gliders and ramps, spring riders, and wheelchair accessible swings. Both playgrounds are expected to be near amenities, restrooms, and parking areas for ease of access.
“All children should have easy access to a playground and I’m focused on making that a reality,” said County Executive Michael Hein.
Both playgrounds are expected to be fully operational by the end of the year. The playground at the County Pool Complex is scheduled to be open to the public by June 15.
“Play provides children with more than just recreation,” said County Youth Bureau Director and Human Rights Commissioner Nina Dawson. “In addition to helping kids stay physically active, it is important to early childhood development, strengthening creativity, dexterity, cognitive and emotional skills.”