Legislation expanding unlimited sick leave benefits for state workers who participated in 9/11 response becomes law


ALBANY – Legislation to
expand unlimited sick leave benefits for public sector officers and employees
who developed a qualifying health condition from their response to 9/11
rescue, recovery and clean-up efforts at the World Trade Center has been
signed into law by the governor.

Under the bill, persons would be eligible for unlimited paid leave at
100 percent of their regular pay dating back to the time of their diagnosis.

Individuals would qualify for the benefit of their currently work for
a municipality, public authority or state employer outside New York City;
have filed a notice of participation in World Trade Center clean-up and
recovery efforts; and have a qualifying Trade Center health condition
defined by statute.
Similar paid leave benefits are currently available for New York City
Police and Fire departments, New York City Corrections and Sanitation
for injuries and illnesses in the line of duty. Outside of New York City,
some municipalities provide similar line-of-duty coverage for their paid
police officers and firefighter.