Shandaken ZBA backs planning board Belleayre Resort ruling


SHANDAKEN – The Shandaken Zoning Board of Appeals voted Wednesday night to affirm that permits issued by the town planning board for Crossroads Venture’s Belleayre Resort did not violate the town’s zoning code.
The State Supreme Court had ruled that the ZBA must decide if the planning
board violated zoning law when it treated duplex buildings and a lodge
with multiple timeshare units as accessory structures to the resort’s
main hotel.
Kathy Nolan, chairwoman of the citizens’ group Catskill Heritage Alliance, said they are “disappointed that the ZBA decided to follow the Shandaken Planning Board in bending over backwards to find a way to permit Crossroads Ventures to place multiple-family dwellings, or ‘condominiums,’ in residential zones.”         
She said the ZBA decision “could open the door to massive over-development, not only at the site of the proposed resort but throughout Shandaken.
Nolan said her group will evaluate its options as to a next move.
The organization continues to support the state providing funds to upgrade the Belleayre Mountain Ski Center and to expand nearby offerings to include mountain biking and more opportunities for cross-country skiing, she said.