Dmytrenko in Kiev (file)
KIEV – Orysia Dmytrenko is a New York native and Orange County resident, whose parents were from Ukraine. Dmytrenko maintains close ties to her family’s homeland.
She has been back to Ukraine on many occasions and most recently, a visit led to her being appointed as a temporary advisor to the country’s health minister, Dr. Ulana Suprun.
Dmytrenko, who lives in Hamptonburgh, is advising the minister in matters
of personnel, organization and policy and she talked about it exclusively
with Mid-Hudson News.
“She has a particular reform package that she is putting into place in order for services to follow the patient in Ukraine because currently tax dollars for health follow a medical institution as opposed to following a patient,” she said. “Her reforms are based on money being allocated from the national budget in for health to follow the patient as opposed to the institution.”
Dmytrenko acknowledged there is corruption in the national government and “Dr. Suprun is making these institutional changes so that the next person doesn’t have the ability to be able to siphon off any kind of funds or resources.”
Dmytrenko’s stint is for three months, but may extend her service if asked to do so. “I am there to help her be successful in helping the Ukrainian people have better health care and however I can help her out, I will be glad to do so.”
Dr. Suprun addressing a meeting in Kiev